We are using a new road that is not yet on Google Maps.

Please click the following link, this will take you to Caracol street, this is the last location available with GPS.


We recommend arriving before Sunset since it can be difficult to recognize the road at dark for the first time.

In the following pictures we will explain step by step the directions after arriving to calle Caracol.

Step 1 - Turn Left (West)

Calle Caracol

Turn left on Caracol Street and follow straight to the end of the road.

Step 2 - Turn Right (North)

Playa Agua Caliente/Hotsprings Beach

Turn right at the “T” then continue straight through the dirt road for approximately 7-10 minutes, You will pass the first sign towards playa Agua Caliente/Hotsprings 800m, continue straight until you reach the second sign for Playa Agua Caliente/Hotsprings 200m.

Step 3 - Turn Right (East)

Playa Agua Caliente 200m

Turn right at the Playa Agua Caliente/Hotsprings 200m sign, continue straight (approximately 300 meters) until you see a street sign named “Aceitilla”.

Step 4 - Turn Left (North)

Calle Aceitilla

Turn left on Aceitilla street, we are the first property on the left at the top of the hill, you will see a gate, and a post with birdhouses on the entrance.

Step 5 - Turn Left (West)


You arrived! Please open the gate and come on in! Park your car in the area provided. To accomodate guests at any hour we have a self check-in, your room is open and ready! Time to relax!

Note: Gate opens outward.

WIFI Password: WELCOMETOBAJA capslock.

Welcome and enjoy your stay!